Come run with the buffalo! This is the only Half Iron distance triathlon in South Dakota nestled within beautiful Custer State Park in the Black Hills.

Race Schedule

Half Distance 70.3
Half Distance Relay
Olympic Distance
Olympic Relay
Sprint & Club &

Start Location: East side of Stockade Lake
Sept. 6th 3:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. Packet Pickup/beach
Sept. 7th 5:30 a.m. Transition Opens
Sept. 7th 8:00 a.m. 70.3 Race Start
Sept. 7th 9:00 a.m. Collegiate DL Start
Sept. 7th 9:20 a.m. Club and Sprint Start
Sept. 7th 4:00 p.m. Awards Ceremony
70.3 & Olympic
The swim is a mass start at Stockade Lake in Custer State Park for the Olympic and 70.3 distances. Everyone starts out in knee deep water. 2 laps counter clockwise for the 70.3. 1 lap counter clockwise for the Olympic distance. Yes, the Olympic distance is longer than the "normal" Olympic.


Elevation Gain:
70.3 = 5118
Olympic = 1 lap
70.3 = 2 laps
Leaving the transition, turn left on stockade lake drive and then turn right onto US-16 heading east and go about 12 miles to the park gate. Exit the park still heading east and go about a mile where the turnaround will be. Head back to the gate but before the gate turn right heading north onto Iron Mountain Road. Head north until making it to South Playhouse Road. Take a left onto South Playhouse Road and head west until you cross the wooden bridge. Cross the bridge and take a left on highway 87. Continue on 87 until you meet up with US-16 again. At the intersection of 87 and US-16 you will take a left for lap 2(east) OR if you are Olympic you'll take a right(west) and head back to transition.

This is a fluffy cow. We Don't pet fluffy cows during the race
70.3 & Oly
For the run you will leave transition going south on the gravel road until you hit Stockade Lake Drive. You will take a right and follow this road until you come to the first aid station and the intersection of Highway 16A. This is where the first aid station will be. You will take a right on the bike path and head towards the stone bathroom. Turn around there and then take the bike path towards Custer. You will go about 1.5 miles towards Custer and there will be an aid station along the way and the turn around after that. You turn around here and when you get back to the first aid station you will turn right onto Lower French Creek Road and head back to transition the way you came. If you're doing the Olympic you're done, if you're doing the 70.3 your 2nd lap turn around is near transition and the finish

For the Sprint bike, you will leave transition and take a right onto stockade lake drive. You will go all the way until it T's off on 16A, taking a right here and going until you get to stockade lake drive. You will then pass the transition area, doing 2 more laps around the lake for a total of 10.05 miles.


For the sprint run, you will leave transition heading south on the gravel road. Once you hit pavement you will turn right and head to the turn around and go back to the transition area for the turn around for a total of 3 times for a 5k. This is a very spectator friendly run

Q: When is packet pickup?
A: Afternoon, 2 - 7 day before the race.
Q: Can someone else pick up my packet for me?
A: No
Q: What will I need to bring for packet pickup?
A: ID card and USAT card.
Q: When can I drop my gear off?
A: Transition opens at 5:30 a.m., race day.
Q: Do I have to pay for a Custer State Park pass?
A: Yes, you will need to purchase an annual pass or a day pass
Q: How many people to a relay team?
A: 2 - 3 people.
Q: Can I register day of the race?
A: No.
Q: What is the water temp at Stockade Lake?
A: Around 69 degrees.
Q: What race day nutrition is available at the aid stations?
A: Bananas, Cookies, Potato Chips, Hammer Nutrition Gels, Powerade, Endurolyte Capsules, Salt Tablets/Sticks.
Q: Can I volunteer for the race?
A: Absolutely, locate the Contact info and shoot Brandon a message.
Q: What if I have a question that is not covered here?
A: Get a hold of Brandon in the Contact info.
Q: Are there refunds?
A: Please contact Brandon on the refund policy.
If you wish to withdraw your entry, you must notify us by phone call and email. With the time given with putting this race together, you will receive a refund not to exceed 25% of your registration fee if its before August 24th. Thoughtful consideration goes into this policy. As athletes we do understand injury and life circumstances and how they influence, sometimes negatively, our best laid plans. However, the costs of the event do not subside or change significantly with a withdrawal. Because of the enormous costs associated with the production of an event of the Triathlon we are unable to grant refunds.
We do appreciate your understanding, look forward to your participation in the event, and hope that you give the same thoughtful consideration of the event before signing up.